Learning theories you have to know as Instructional Designer / Learning Designer

As Instructional Designer you are required to have some insights into educational theories.

We do not like to put too much focus on theory, but we feel that this post covers the lot that you really need to understand and be able to apply in whatever or learning / training solution you will propose.

Hope you take something away from this post that you can apply in your own work.


Rethinking Kirkpatrick level 1

Let’s focus today on some Instructional Design basics like Kirkpatrick. As Instructional Designer you probably have heard about Kirkpatrick levels of evaluation. Though it seems that we have the tendancy to not get the most out of these evaluations all the time. While doing investigation on evaluations we stumbled upon this document that really makes you rethink the level 1. Hope you find it as interesting as we did.

As always, Cheers!

Rethinking Kirkpatrick level 1

#instructionaldesign #kirkpatrick #learningdesign #learninganddevelopment #learningexperiencedesign #learningtheory

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

As Digital Learning Expert I often refer to Blooms Taxonomy, but always wondered if it could be explained better when linked to (digital) EdTech. Well the folllowing page does just that!

Please click the image to go to this page.

Blooms Digital Taxonomy

How awesome is this page. Watch, listen, learn and apply apply it to your own eLearning Experience Design as Instructional Designer / Digital Learning Specialist.

Some base Design Principles #0002

If you design and develop courses you must be familiar with some base design principles that you need to apply. Why? Because they work! And if it works, you get more attention, if you get more attention your message in your designs will come across much better.

So here are some (more) excellent fundamentals on Design Principles for those who want to improve their design skills.

Hope you take away a pointer or two from this one.

#elearningdesign #elearningdevelopment #elearning #elearningexperiencedesign #instrucitonaldesign #instructionaldesigners #digitallearningsolutions

Understanding the usage of Digital Design Principles introduction.

I get often asked what standard good UI/UX for e-learning design would be. Well…… That depends on your target group, the learning objectives and the targets group use of technology.

Lets start with the beginning of digital learning (experience) design.

The comming time we will adress more about Digital and non Digital Tech and Design fundamentals to aid you in transiting into becoming a more relevant Instructional Designer.

For instance, something most Instructional Designers never think of is designing solutions beyond the WIMP standard. The what…? Well basically, this makes the point we want to talk about. You as instructional designer are most likely using most of the time the WIMP standard when designing your elearning material. Did you consciously knew that? 

So again for an Instructional Designer moving into the world of eLXD / EXD it is first important to understand some basic theories and practices around IT &/ Design fundamentals. And no you will not learn them through the millions of SALES posts you receive.
Unfortunately there is no going around the bush with this. I personally feel that an Learning Solutions Consultant, Designer/Developer nowadays needs to become more IT and Design understanding of the basic IT Tech and Design principles that govern Digital Learning Experience. And NO, that does not mean that knowing how to use the tools like Articulate, Photoshop or an LMS will grant you untouchable ID powers. They are tools, not solutions . To understand how to use the tools you need to understand the underlying fundamentals and principles. So lets start with the beginning.

Hope you will join this new ELearning Experience Design revolution.

For those interested in what WIMP stands for, please click the link below.


DO NOTE: We are currently in a post-WIMP world, contemplate a little on that when designing your next digital learning solutions. 

As always Cheers!